Life Giver
There are twopersons set before us on this world,and we need to distinguish beyween them very clearly and cleverly.The life-giver Jesus christ and the life-taker Satan.the devil only comes into our lives just to take life it comes to steal the provisions and blessings that God has bestowed on us as his rightful children.satan comes to kill us physically and destroy us eternally every one of us needs to realize that if weaccept and permit thedevil to have any place in our lives,that is what he wants and going to do if given a chance coz he will steal,kill,and destroy to the extreme we permit him to do as he wishes.Image via Wikipedia
Image via Wikipedia All in all we need to understand it that it was the holy spirit who raised the dead body from the tomb.
Image via Wikipedia
Image view Paul further stress out in Romans(1:4) about him through the spirit of holiness was declared with the power to be the son of God by his resurrection from the dead.remember his the way the truth and life how ever lives in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Labels: Bible, Christ, Christianity, Evangelism, God, Jesus, Religion and Spirituality, Satan
Yes, you are spot on . Jesus is the giver and the taker of all our souls and minds.He came to Earth to release us from our deadly sins
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