25 September 2011

Weapons and Battlefields

  Here are two related aspects of the the spiritual warfare and the first one being the weapons which we as christians must use to defend ourselves from the attack of the Devil.
Secondly the battleground on which the war the will take place or will be fought and these aspect are revealed by Apostle Paul in (2 corinthians 10:2-5) he says "for theough we walk in the freash,we do not war according to the fresh for the weaponsof our warfare are not of the fresh

Now even though we are living in the fresh,we as Christians are engaged in a war but ours isn't in the freshly realm of the body,therefore the weapons we use are and must be in accordance and correspondance to the nature of the war.

But if the nature of the war were freshly or physical then we could use freshly or physical weapons such as bombs,bullets,guns you name it which is applied in this revolutionized worlds but because ours is a spiritual war that means in a spiritual manner the weapons also must be in a spiritual realm.

Most important is that the weapons used in this warfare are not of  fresh but of  Divinely powerful for the destruction fortress and destroying speculations and everything  lofty raised up against God therefore taking every thought captive to the obedience of  Christ.

Note that our weapons are appropriate to the war and we are dealing with fortress so if you take time each day and pray to your creator God plus opening your heart to Jesus christ to enter and be your personal saviour and protect and live by Faith in him this war is already won.

There is nothing so strong like the power of  prayer it defeats,curses away every evil devils around stay in faith amen and God bless you and your families.

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