Agape love
Agape love is the true and geninue love which is not SEXUAL love between a man and a woman thia love is
the very nature of God.The ultimate expression of Agape love is God giving his only begotten son Jesus
Christ to die on the cross for our sins,this is the kind of love which comes to by God through Jesus Christ his

We all have Agape love in our hearts as a result
of knowing that God loves us un conditionally
with no strings attached and his love for us will
never change untill the end of time.
We show show our love for God by the
commitment of our hearts,mind,body and soul to
our lord,this is the true and geninue love.
Think about how many times in life do we find
ourselves in a position of just needing someone
to love us, Well this when we need Agape love
because we need the caring and comforting love
that only comes from God and he provides it in
abundancy,remember brethens that he gave his
begotten son and his life for us.
What greater love is there than this ask yourself?

Labels: Christ, Christianity, God, Gospel music, Jesus Christ, John 3:16, Religion and Spirituality
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