07 October 2011

Grace is Recieved by The Humbled

 For all of  you who read the bible you know the story of  Simon Peter a man who had said that he was able to go to Prison with Jesus Christ and to Death, when he was arrested he drew a sword and sliced off the ear of the highest priest's servant (John 18:10)
But as Jesus had predicated, when confronted by a little servant girl he denied knowing Jesus infact he denied him more 2 times hahahaha.

Peter was overwhelmed and he went off and wept, he was shaken all of his self confindance, he could nolonger boast of  his greatness,he had lost his natural confidance, he was aware of the futility of his own strong will, he had been humbled, he was now a perfect candidate for the grace of God, because God gives his grace to humble people and Humility is the requirement.
It was a lesson but into the conscience of  Peter as he wrote "be clothed in humility" (1 peter 5:5).

You see in this scenario Peter was shaken to the verge of giving up but there was Jesus, he forgave him and restored him, Amaizing what God can do anyway now that he was shakened he was ready to become one of the centre figures in the Church.
He courageously proclaimed the Ressurection of  Jesus before everyone responsible for his crification and he faced the counsel not the servant girl with great Authority and boldnesshe courageously stood up to them.

But what that this teach us as christians uhh? As for me it teaches me that Trials in this life will expose what's in your Heart wether the offence is towards God or others. Such tests will either make you bitter towards God and to your Peers or make you stronger.
But if you pass the test, your roots will shoot deeper stabilizing you and your Future but if you fail you will become offended which can lead to defilement and bitterness hence diverting away from God.

Remember Offences will reveal the weakness and breaking points of any man in this life often the point where we think we are strong is our place of hidden weakness and it will remain hidden untill a powerful storm comes and blows off the cover Paul wrote " For we are the circumcision who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Jesus's name and have No confindance in the fresh (Phillipians 3:3).

Father we ask you today that you will help us to root out all of our offences that we may be able to Rid ourselves of all that's holding us from truely being one of  you we ask this in the name of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ.

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