25 September 2011

Weapons and Battlefields

  Here are two related aspects of the the spiritual warfare and the first one being the weapons which we as christians must use to defend ourselves from the attack of the Devil.
Secondly the battleground on which the war the will take place or will be fought and these aspect are revealed by Apostle Paul in (2 corinthians 10:2-5) he says "for theough we walk in the freash,we do not war according to the fresh for the weaponsof our warfare are not of the fresh

Now even though we are living in the fresh,we as Christians are engaged in a war but ours isn't in the freshly realm of the body,therefore the weapons we use are and must be in accordance and correspondance to the nature of the war.

But if the nature of the war were freshly or physical then we could use freshly or physical weapons such as bombs,bullets,guns you name it which is applied in this revolutionized worlds but because ours is a spiritual war that means in a spiritual manner the weapons also must be in a spiritual realm.

Most important is that the weapons used in this warfare are not of  fresh but of  Divinely powerful for the destruction fortress and destroying speculations and everything  lofty raised up against God therefore taking every thought captive to the obedience of  Christ.

Note that our weapons are appropriate to the war and we are dealing with fortress so if you take time each day and pray to your creator God plus opening your heart to Jesus christ to enter and be your personal saviour and protect and live by Faith in him this war is already won.

There is nothing so strong like the power of  prayer it defeats,curses away every evil devils around stay in faith amen and God bless you and your families.

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18 September 2011

Emotions that destroy: un controlled anger and Bitterness

Every destructive emotion bears its own harvest, but anger’s is the most bitter of all. 

Uncontrolled anger is a devastating sin, and no one is exempt from its destructive path. It shatters friendships, destroys marriages, causes abuse in families, it breeds violence in the community and war between nations. Its recoil, like that of a high powered rifle, often hurts the one who operates it as well as the target. Anger makes us lash out at others, destroying relationships and revealing our true nature. 
Being a Christian does not make you exempt from angers grip. 

After Jesus’ arrest Peter angrily denied his Lord.  “But he began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak.” (Mark 14:71)  Paul had to urge the Ephesian Christians to   “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:” ~Ephesians 4:31~  
How many church’s have been torn apart by someone’s anger? How many people have been turned away from Christ because of a Christians anger? 
We get angry when others hurt us, by what they say and what they do. We get angry when we do not get our own way, or our plans are interrupted. Anger may rise up in an instant, and explode like a stick of dynamite or it may simmer just below the surface, sometimes for a lifetime. Like a corrosive acid this kind of anger eats away at our bodies and souls, and we may not even know it is there. 
Is anger ever justified?  Yes-- when it is caused by an injustice and sin and not of our selfishness and hurt pride.  

God is angry when His righteousness is scorned. ( see Matthew 21:12-13) But we must be careful, as sometimes our so-called “righteous indignation” is nothing more than a cover for self-righteousness. 
Anger and bitterness ( as well as hatred, jealousy, and resentment (their offspring) are not identical, but very closely related. Bitterness is anger gone sour, an attitude of deep discontent that poisons our souls and destroys our peace.   
“ A bitter sour Christian is one of Satan’s greatest trophies” ~ Ruth Graham~  
“Looking diligently. . . . lest any root of bitterness springing up  trouble (causing you trouble), and thereby many be (will become) defiled” ~Hebrews 12:15~ 
Are anger or bitterness keeping you from becoming the person God wants you to be? 
Next time we will talk about Conquering Anger 

Thank You dear Lord for Your love, the love you show to us each and every day. O How we long to be more like You, to not hold on to bitterness and anger. Lord help us to not take on any anger, anger that is of the flesh, we do not want to be selfish, we want nothing but love to come out of our mouth and thru our actions.  Convict us Dear Father if we do show any sign of anger and bitterness, so that we can repent of the action. In Jesus name we pray Amen.


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11 September 2011

How to become righteous

“For with the heart of man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”  (Romans 10:10) 
To be “SAVED” you MUST  put your "TRUST" IN CHRIST, and nothing else.  
You say, “But what if I clean up my act?” No, there are people who live better by accident than you do on purpose.
so cleaning up your act isn't the way this time around,  
Our distinction as Christians is that we have placed our "TRUST IN THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRUST",  and nothing else. Paul lays it clearly on the line: “ if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation"   (Romans 10: 9-10).  
Salvation is the result of what you believe in your heart about the finished work of Christ, and what you confess with your lips. Those two elements, BELIEVING AND CONFESSING, bring you into a state of “RIGHTEOUSNESS” in the eyes of God. 
Have you ever gone to a grocery store with a coupon cut out from a newspaper? You want a bag of flour or sugar, but you’ve no money. Yet they give it to you. Why? Because with the coupon, they give you credit as though you had the money. Getting the idea?  
You have no righteousness to bring before God in exchange for salvation, but He has set up a coupon system called redemption and said, “Once you place your trust in Christ, I will view you as righteous from that moment on.” The word “RIGHTEOUS” simply means “TO BE IN RIGHT STANDING WITH GOD.”  
What a way to live!  
What a well of joy!  
What a source of confidence! 
Father, we thank You for our Savior Jesus Christ, Your Son, whom You sent to us to die on the Cross for our sins. Through the shed blood of Jesus we are now able to redeem ourselves. We thank You Jesus for what You did for us , for the pain, torment, and persecution You went through so that we could be free of our sins. Our prayer is that we will be able to live for You and only You and that we will be in the Right standing with You our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name we Pray Amen. 
Have a great week my friends and may the Lord bless each of you beyond measure and your families plus  your
friends amen stay in FAITH.

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09 September 2011

Through the natural instinct to live a pain free life, iam learning to do anything that makes me concious of my need for GOD and if a prayer is the birthed out of desperation, then anything that makes me desperate for GOD is a blessing.

08 September 2011

Ask God for the wisdom and the Faith to stay focused on your purpose and to accomplish all your desires and to him you give praise and honour.

07 September 2011

When your burdens of life gets too heavy seek GOD and he will offload them because GOD cares, take some time everyday and talk to him. Jeffkabs.blogspot.com

06 September 2011

Regardless of your circumstances in life maybe,dont abandon them in despair but content them with God and jesus by your side recieve your strength and comfort from them.

05 September 2011

Improve your relationship with God

  How are you doing brethrens inorder to improve your your relationship with the Almighty God,
here are some of  the a few things we must do to inaccordance of  having a good relationship with
God these strategies are simple and easy to follow so christians if  you are upto the task let's start by:

       First and fore most CONFESS and REPENT from your sins. A sin seperates us from God, it
breaks down the relationship between him and us.
Confessing them on the hand and turning away from them allows God's mercy and Grace to premeat
our lives.
 Submitt to and come near to God, if we move towards God he will come to us (James 4:7-8)  so
 if  you dont repell him and open your hands he wil enter and make a difference in your life and change
it the way he see fit.
  Be humble, the BIBLE teaches us that the Lord opposes the Proud but gives Grace to humble
(James 4:6) so God doestnt call the qualified, he qualifies the called for instance the like of Paul a
murderer and he did his work undoubtly.
  Read the bible while all of the creation teaches us about God (Romans1:20) God has choosen
to manfest himselt to us directly through the bible read it and you will find the answers to your prayers and needs also a direct line to God too.
  Pray, spend time talking to God and listen to him take sometime out of each day to focus on your relationship with God, worship and express your relationship by Proclaiming his glorly in words and deeds then share the rest of your day as well with God as your personal saviour.
 Serve others.

                                 God and bless you and your families.

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There is only one place that you can find the answers on the cross which jesus died on that you may recieve the supply of your need and the answer to your problems.

04 September 2011

Jesus christ has given an invitation that extends to the whole world of human races and its upto to open up and let him in to make adifference in your life.

it's so amaizing how God so loves us despite the injustices we committe towards him,his love is nothing but pure and unconditional with no strings attached.