13 November 2011

Pray Everyday

   Each night a little Boy name micheal threw one of her shoes under the bed before going to sleep. When her mom asked why, she replied, “My Sunday school teacher said if I have to get down by my bed in the morning and look for my shoe, it’ll remind me to say my prayers while I’m there.” 
If it helps, throw your shoe under the bed!  Prayer is the life force that sustains us spiritually. 
David wrote: “ As the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee. O god my soul thirsteth for God: the living God; when shall i come and appear before God (Psalms 42:1-2).

     In his book, The Power and Blessing, Pastor Jack Hayford writes: “I had gone on vacation, and I needed it! It was delightful to get to the beach. But about the fourth day… I found I was feeling empty inside. Then it occurred to me that for four days I hadn’t read a word of Scripture, prayed a prayer or sung a song of praise. It was just kind of ‘Let’s get away from it all.’ 
We were so involved with church that we didn’t want to do anything ‘Godly’ for a while. But suddenly I was called back by the inner hollowness I felt. Through that experience I learned that I can’t recover at a physica
l or emotional level, if I neglect the spiritual level.” 
The Bible says: “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.” Only when you’ve spent time in God’s presence and drawn strength from Him, will you be equal to the challenges you face on any given day. 
    O Thank You Lord for the opportunity that You give to us to come before You with prayer and thanksgiving. The chance to but our problems before YOU and ask for Your help. What a wonderful and loving Father You are to be able to do this for us.. To Listen to us , and to take to heart what are petitions are and to act on them . Lord we give you thanks for all YOU do and all YOU will do in our lives. If we ever forget to come to YOU in time of prayer, convict our hearts so that we know that something crucial is missing in our lives and we will be able to see the problem and come back to YOU in prayer once again…. In Jesus name we pray, Amen 
"Continue in prayers everyday and watch in the same with thanksgiving"( Colossians 4:2)
watch this video hope it will inspire you the way it did to me and God bless you again and again with your families and friends share it with each other.

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02 November 2011

Don't Be Afraid Of Failure 1

For the just (righteous) man falleth seven times, and riseth up again : But the wicked shall fall into mischief (failure) ~Proverbs 24:16~

                       DON"T BE AFRAID OF FAILURE 1

        Until you OVERCOME THE FEAR OF FAILURE you’ll be immobilized at the prospect of taking a risk. The IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER WHEN YOU FAIL IS NOT TO QUIT.  History shows that FAILURE CAN  actually become a BRIDGE TO SUCCESS.
         In school,  Napoleon was forty-second in a class of forty-three,  yet  he went on to build an army that conquered much of the world. George Washington lost two-thirds of his military battles, yet against overwhelming odds he won the Revolutionary War and changed American history. Albert Einstein was such a slow learner that it was suggested he switch studies from physics to some other topic, yet he’s considered the father of the atomic age. When you recall these names you don’t remember their failures, but their contributions to the world.
       Only when you consider your failure to be FINAL, ARE YOU FINALLY A FAILURE. FAILURE IS  not an event,ONLY AN OPINION, and as long as it’s not your opinion you can come back and succeed. “A righteous man may fall seven times and rise again.”
In his first inaugural address Franklin Roosevelt told the nation,  “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Failure is not fatal; you can begin again. but the FEAR OF FAILURE COULD PROVE FATAL TO YOUR GOALS BY KEEPING YOU FROM TRYING AGAIN.. . . . .
        After cataloging every possible scenario that could come against us, such as tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, Paul writes:  “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).
  So the word for you today is -DO NOT BE AFRAID OF FAILURE:

         O Lord, we come before You today with nothing but thanksgiving and Praise for You our Lord and Master. Paul said it so well when he stated  "we are more than conquerors though HIM who loved us" by those words we know beyond any shadow of doubt that we will be successful as long as we have YOU with us. Lord be with each and everyone of my brothers and sisters who are reading this , give to them the securities they need to be able to go out and fulfill the mission they have been called to do, take away any and all doubts. Let them be more than conquerors in all they do. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
